RHYC has scheduled cruises or events most months at various moorages or marinas around Puget Sound and the Salish Sea. We visit ports such as Roche Harbor, Poulsbo, Kingston, Port Orchard, Gig Harbor, Pleasant Harbor, Longbranch, Port Townsend, Dockton, Bremerton, Everett, Oak Harbor, Tacoma, and Lake Washington for events like St. Patrick's Day, Opening Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Christmas Parades and New Years. Typically there are 25 or more boats in attendance, in a wagon wheel or at a marina. Activities include boat hopping, dock parties, potluck dinners, cookouts or meals of regional specialties, with an emphasis on participation, safe boating, Family Fun and fellowship.
Where is RHYC?
While our heritage lives on in Roche Harbor, San Juan Island, where we maintain our primary outstation; we focus on our monthly cruises and events, which are the heart and soul of the club's purpose. In addition to Roche Harbor, we maintain Outstations at Kingston, Dock Street in Tacoma, Fisherman's Bay on Lopez Island, and May, June, July, August, and September for Summer use at Port Ludlow and Bremerton. We also have reciprocal agreements with over 80 other yacht clubs.